
Raphanus Sativus

A fun little root vegetable which is easy and quick to grow. Radish are ready within 5-6 weeks and can be grown year round in most of Australia

  • Spacing: 5.0 cm
  • Days to germination: 6
  • Days to maturity: 35

Coming in heaps of different varieties, you can find a radish for everyone. Yellow, red, white, purple, black, long, short, pointy, round, watermelon, you name it. The vast genetic variation of the humble radish is most likely due to it’s quick growing time and easy seeding, this makes it easy to breed and due to the large volume of plants the chances of finding genetic mutation or variation is higher than other plants.

We love the radish; slice it finely for salads, fry until golden and serve in an omelet, pickle with ginger and chilli, slice and roast and sprinkle with high quality salt for a veggie style chip – delicious. It’s worth adding to your diet.

Our Radish Variety - French Breakfast

French Breakfast is a classic heirloom radish. Our seeds are from Organic Seeds Australia, an awesome company sourcing seed from local Aussie Biodynamic growers (did you know most of our seed comes from overseas!? especially radish seed! And most of it is treated!), so you know you're getting literally the best. French Breakfast is a great radish for slicing into salads and for looking that little bit fancy, 'cos it's French y'know?

They can pop out of the ground and look a little leggy, that's normal, just let them do their thing. Once they are about the size of your thumb (if you have a medium-small sized thumb that is), they are ready to harvest. We've found this variety won't go squishy as quick as some other varieties and will hold it's own in the garden quite well. We hope you enjoy.

How long between plantings of Radish should I wait to get continual harvests?

In short: 2 weeks

Radish matures quickly and once it's at its mature stage, it can quickly grow a bit on the big side. If you want nice plump sized radish, every 2 weeks is a good marker for radish success.